Friday, January 29, 2010

Right and Wrong

Politics....Religion....Opinions and Beliefs. Aside from the need to find meaning in life, to find guidance, to create social order and cultures, people have the need to be right. We feel good when we make a choice that turns out to be what we consider to be right. What makes that even better is if someone else was wrong. It's human nature to be a little smug. We may not want to admit it. We may know that it is lacking in compassion and selflessness, but we feel it none-the-less. And it feels good. What's really great is if a whole bunch of people make a choice that proves a whole bunch of other people wrong. Then we can feel smug together. We can talk about it. We can forget all of those times when we were wrong and they were right. It's all about the now. We all know that there cannot be two right answers or choices. There can be only one. There can be only one "Best". All others are merely silver or bronze or less. What works for me is what should work for everyone. If that were true, there would be one brand of car, one hairstyle, one TV channel, and one kind of music. Let the music play. Listen to the music you like, drive the car you choose, cut or don't cut your hair however you like, and pray or don't pray to whom or whatever you want. Just don't expect me to do the same.
Am I right!?

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