Monday, January 5, 2009

Prop 8 and People are Stupid

It has been a long time since my last entry. I just have to put it down in words. The majority of people in this world are stupid. There I said it. I often take a bit of time to decide how I really feel about things. I like to let them settle. Never in my life have I had so strong an opinion. I can pretty much see things from all sides and I can hang with people regardless of their theology, political views, or sexual orientation. The freedom to possess and express your opinions and beliefs is what this country is about.
However, I keep trying to help my 5-year old to understand that holding on to something just because you don't want your sister to have it is petty and selfish. Seeing Prop 8 pass makes me think that she may never learn that lesson. To say that allowing gays to marry is bad because it's bad for straight marriages is the way a jealous 5-year old acts. Grow up people!
To say that these marriages don't count because they aren't recognized by the church makes my hetero marriage invalid. I was married in the park by a judge. I am LEGALLY married...has nothing to do with religion. I guess I've just had two kids with my life partner and we just spent a lot of money on a big party to let everyone know that we really, really like each other...a lot.
To say that these marriages promote pedophilia is akin to saying that hetero marriages promote rape. Sure, there are some bad people out there...everywhere, in every walk of life, every occupation, every sexual orientation, every gender, every religious affiliation, and every race. No one is above suspicion. I am constantly surprised by the kindness of people, as well as by their cruelty. I have seen no common thread to either. I have been helped by those with less than me and screwed by those with more. Sexual preference has never entered in to it.
How is it that the majority of people (who voted) are so filled with blind hatred? It must be blind because no one who actually thought about any of this could possibly have an issue with two people who want to spend their lives together and be happy. Allowing people to be happy doesn't threaten the moral fabric of America. Hating people destroys the moral fabric of America. Just ask the rest of the "civilized" world.

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