Thursday, March 22, 2007

Boy are my arms tired...

So, I am on the third of four trips across the country in seven days. That's four days of travel for two days of work with one day at home smack in the middle. It's hard for me to believe that this is what I did for about ten years. How did I possibly have time to woo the woman of my dreams? This, to me is a mystery. I know that travel by air is mostly sitting on one's arse and pretending to be the seasoned traveler who knows the routine and can sleep anywhere. That used to be me. Where did that man go? I suppose I'm still well seasoned, but a bit over-cooked. I now prefer the comfort of my warm bed and wife, my giggling and whining children, my gastronomically delicate dog, and large mostly-invisible-to-others cat. Dining out three meals a day and staying alone in 5-star hotels has become routine and unexciting. I find myself comparing the soap and shampoo selections and Westins, Marriotts, Hyatts, Ritz-Carltons and a number of resort hotels. Some of which are a mild step up from a Holiday Inn. I am in Washington D.C. now and I am fascinated by how it's all put together, and how Capitol Hill has all of that stuff they say it does within walking distance of each other. Capitol Building, Senate, House of Reps, Library of Congress, Supreme Court, SEC, Labor Commission.....The list goes on. You can throw a rock from each to the next. All I can think about is when I get to come back with my kids. Enough said. As soon as I can be...I'm done with business travel.


Elaine said...

And we miss you so very very much! Can't wait to smoosh your face again and cuddle with you in our big (mostly kid free) room.

sarah doow said...

Throwing rocks at each other may well be what politicians feel like doing from time to time!