Monday, March 12, 2007

So, This is Blogging...

So, I here that blogging is a great way to get your thoughts and feelings out there. You get to have supportive feedback from people who read you. (If you are fortunate.) I find that as a man/husband/father, I have been a bit leery of this whole thing. I mean, as I am often reminded, women have so much programming to work against, and so much self-doubt and loathing built right in, that their lives are terribly fraught with stress and indecision. But they do like to talk about it, a lot... I may sound a bit sarcastic or even bitter about this. I'm not. That's just my dry humor and pragmatism rearing its, to me, unavoidable little head like that zit that keeps reappearing where your nose meets your face. It makes some people laugh, and offends others. I think now that they have this venue to air their thoughts and doubts, and to get feedback and reassurance, perhaps they can rid themselves of these hefty chains and move on to bigger and better things. My point is that I, as a man, have been programmed as well. Air my thoughts on the web and broadcast them to the world? Are you f***ing crazy? It's funny, this is not at all what I thought I would be writing about. Especially not for the first entry into my blog. I promise to write about, more...uh,, different things in the future. There may even be pictures.
I have this funny feeling, that unlike my wife, I will be read by few, to say the most.


sarah doow said...

Hey Mark, I'm reading! Welcome to blogging, I've enjoyed your 4 posts so far and look forward to more :-) And if I can give you as much trouble as I give your lovely wife, well that'll just be the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

For YOU, I will de-lurk. Comment comment - here's a comment. Seriously, though. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!


Christina Rosalie said...

what, pray tell, is this supposed to mean "and so much self-doubt and loathing built right in, that their lives are terribly fraught with stress and indecision. But they do like to talk about it, a lot... " ???

I come here by way of your lovely wife, btw. :)

Mark said...

I am not afraid of being misunderstood or even of being genuinely understood. Just be aware that I am rarely criticizing unless I come right out and say I am. Society has bred women to have a lot of self-image problems, from their bodies to the parenting and career choices they make. That sucks. But, at least most of them are finding that they can talk about it and be heard, understood, and empathized with. That doesn't suck.